Journey Plotter version 2.6 has been released.
This release fixes a problem where a Gazetteer Search could result in an error.
It's available from the Journey Plotter Download page, which also lists the changes in more detail.

An update to the Where Were They? page.
The interface of the animated globe has been changed to blend in with the rest of the website.
Where Were They?: watch or interact with hundreds of World War 1-era Royal Navy vessels as they move about the globe.
Journey Plotter Mobile for Androidâ„¢ version 2.0 has been released.
Main changes: redesigned user interface, support for dark theme, resizeable map and events panes.
The Journey Plotter Mobile Download page lists the changes in more detail.

It can be used on both phones and tablets.

They are used as a source for research whilst editing the official log-books of Royal Navy ships from the World War 1 era.
Many thanks to the late Gordon Smith for graciously letting us use the information available from naval-history.net open_in_new.
Thanks in equal measure to Silvia Cavalieri for her valuable help with the graphics and testing the applications.
For the latter also Steeleye needs a warm word of appreciation.
Thanks to Caro for helping me with my shortcomings with the English language.
And thanks, of course, to all those volunteers who transcribed and edited the log-books.