warning By default editor functionality isn't shown.

To show editor functionality:
- If the Editor Options pane isn't open already, open it by selecting Editor in the Options menu item from the Tools menu.
- Change Enable editor functionality to Yes
Open documents
For an edited document to be loaded into Journey Plotter, it has to be saved, or exported, as a webpage.
Some word processors describe this as the (Extensible) Hypertext Markup Language format (.html or .xhtml).
Use Open File in the File menu and locate your exported document or documents.
If your document consists of multiple parts, you can open them all and treat them as one journey.
To select a consecutive group of files, click the first item, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.
To select non-consecutive files, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each item that you want to select.
It's also possible to append additional parts of a journey at a later point.
Use Append File to append one or more files to the existing journey as described above.
A warning is given when a file is already loaded as part of the journey.
After the documents have been loaded, they can be used in the same way as a normal ship's log from Naval-History.Net.
warning The option to open multiple files is intended to be used for files of one ship only.
It's possible to load files of multiple ships, but they will be treated as the journey of one ship. This can result in unexpected ways of connecting positions in the journey, and possibly to the report of many duplicate positions.
There are four types of reports available in the Tools menu:
- Missing dates
- Duplicate dates
- Dates without position
- Suspicious speeds

Missing dates will generate a list of dates that seem to be missing from the log-books.
Missing dates will include dates that are not correctly formatted and dates without a valid link to a log-page.
Missing or incorrect dates before the first, or after the last, day with a valid position will not be detected.
As the name suggests, Duplicate dates will generate a list of dates that have been encountered more than once in the document.
Dates without position will generate a list of dates for which Journey Plotter didn't find a valid position in the document.
A position is considered valid if it's in the format Lat [-]0.0, Long [-]0.0, where the minus is optional and the number of digits isn't important. Latitude values have to be within the range -90 to 90 and longitude values within the range -180 to 180.
Suspicious Speed will generate a list of dates where the distance from the recorded position of the previous day is greater than the maximum average speed of the ship would allow.
The maximum average speed of the ship can be set in the Editor Options pane (see the Options section).
It might be worth mentioning that it isn't necessarily the reported date which has a wrong position; it might be the previous day that is wrong.
The list of dates will be presented in the Report pane and can be used to check your document.
If the Report pane wasn't visible, it will be shown automatically. Visibility of the Report pane can be toggled by selecting Show Report in the Panes menu item from the View menu.
Clicking a date in the Report pane will show it on the map.
Text and dates can be copied from the Report pane. Use the mouse to select the information you require, or press Ctrl-A to select everything; then press Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard, from where it will be available for use in other applications.