Naval-History.Net of Penarth, UK, was started in 1998 by Gordon Smith with his first two published books. Now one of the premier naval history sites on the web with 5,000 visitors daily, it is internationally recognised for the quality of its contributions, such as Don Kindell's Royal Navy casualty lists, pre-1914 to 2008. Naval-History.Net recently moved into on-demand publishing; one of its first books was shortlisted for the 2010 Mountbatten Award of the Maritime Foundation.
More and more people are fascinated by their past, and family history is big business. Much of the interest is in the military or naval background of relatives and friends. Go back to the start of World War 2 and there is plenty of information. To World War 1 and the Army, almost as much. But not with the Navy. With the "Senior Service", World War 1 was the Battle of Jutland and almost nothing else. But it wasn't. The "War to End All Wars" was as much a maritime struggle as its successor only 20 years later. But there is so little information on the hundreds of ships and tens of thousands of men who served. This is now going to change fundamentally as the day-by-day story of 314 warships and auxiliaries across all the oceans of the world is digitised through the Old Weather project. During the World War 1 centenary, Naval-History.Net is proud to be part of this imaginative approach to researching history.

Old Weather: Our Weather's Past, the Climate's Future.
Help scientists recover Arctic and worldwide weather observations made by United States ships since the mid 19th century. These transcriptions will contribute to climate model projections and will improve our knowledge of past environmental conditions. Historians will use your work to track past ship movements and tell the stories of the people on board.
Old Weather is a Zooniverse project.
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Participate in research of all kinds, from classifying galaxies to counting penguins to transcribing manuscripts. Whatever your interest, there's a Zooniverse project for you.
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